Ray's Review: A Simple Favor

A Simple Favor

Rating: A+

Well Fanatics, I need you to do me a small simple favor and check out the new film A Simple Favor starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. This incredibly fun film hits theaters this week and if chocked full of twists, turns, and snark that will keep you completely engrossed in this film. The story follows Stephanie Smothers (Kendrick), a single mom who runs her own cooking vlog on-line and who longs for some adult friendship after the passing of her husband. Enter the enigmatic Emily Nelson played by Blake Lively. She seems to have her luxurious life put together with the big house, handsome successful husband, and a high-power job in the fashion industry. She immediately pulls Stephanie in and an odd sort of friendship forms between the two until one day when Emily asks Stephanie to pick up her son from school and then completely vanishes without a trace. When it seems like they may have lost Emily for good, clues start popping up that make Stephanie question their entire friendship and leads her on the path to finding out just what happened to Emily. 

Hands down, this is easily one of my favorite films of the year. You walk into their theater expecting a dark Gone Girl like story and while there are parts of that present, the film keeps things light with letting these two leading ladies basically bring their Twitter profiles to life on screen. The jokes are everywhere and are so much fun to watch. Their on-screen chemistry is perfect and their timing for wittiness is spot on. I know the theater I was in laughing throughout the film. It is great seeing both of these actresses playing these strong personalities on screen. Blake Lively is awesome as Emily. She is no-nonsense and teetering on the edge of being equal parts scary and interesting. It is weirdly charming. She is the human embodiment of playing with fire which is probably why her husband Sean (Henry Golding) is so enamored with her, as well as, Stephanie. Stephanie, on the other hand, is the yin to Emily's yang. She is timid and unsure of herself, but like Emily, may not be all that she seems. 

This story is a whirlwind experience that reminds me a bot of old Hitchcock type tales. Just when you think you know where things are headed they take a hard turn in the opposite direction. I know personally, there were parts of the story that you can't help but go, "Wow, they went there" with. It is an over the top story, but the ride is a hell of a good one. The hard part about writing these for films like this is that I want to share how much I loved this film, but I don't want to give too much away because half the fun of these types of movies is experiencing it yourself. So maybe just trust me when I say go check this one out. Really. Just do it. It's fun. I promise.  It is not as dark as Gone Girl or Girl on The Train by any stretch so if those weren't your cup of tea, then fear not. Dripping with sarcasm, A Simple Favor will have you laughing and puzzling solving throughout the entire movie.  Giant shout out to director Paul Feig who has really done a great job with this movie. Between a crazy story, excellent casting, and onscreen chemistry with the cast, this film is one to not be missed this weekend. 

Check out A Simple Favor in theaters everywhere September 14th.

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