Dana in the Morning

Dana in the Morning

Listen live to Dana Tyson in the Morning! It's all about positivism and something good. On SUNNY 99.1 in Houston, Texas! 99.1 On your FM dial or via...Full Bio


Jay's Weekend In Five Pictures 1/20-1/22

We had a pretty great weekend.

Julie and I took the kids to see the lion dancers at Kroger on Saturday.

Photo: Jay Rodriguez

They had never seen them before and thought it was so awesome!

The lions had to dance inside the store because of the wet weather.

If you haven't had a chance to see the lions perform yet, you can check out their schedule HERE.

While we were at Kroger, Julie got a craving for a king cake.

Photo: Jay Rodriguez

It was so good.

The cake was really soft too.

We've already eaten half of it and nobody has found the baby yet.

Anna Rose finished the LEGO set she got for Christmas.

Photo: Jay Rodriguez

She loves the TV show, Friends, and she was pretty excited to get this set.

Anna started building this shortly after her knee surgery.

I'm glad it kept her busy for so long.

On the hand, our rabbit had absolutely nothing to do...

Photo: Jay Rodriguez

That's him sleeping by the back door.

He ran around the house for quite a bit before he just flopped over and slept.

I get a lot of messages from listeners asking about him.

Thank you all for loving our little bunny.

Finally, we wrapped up our weekend by finishing another puzzle.

Photo: Jay Rodriguez

That's a 1000-piece puzzle from Buffalo featuring Star Wars characters.

This puzzle was so fun to do. The lighsabers and laser blasts really stood out.

Julie had no idea what anything on this puzzle was though, because she hasn't seen any of the Star Wars movies.

Alright, I need to get back to work.

Thanks for reading.



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