Dana Tyson in the Morning

Dana Tyson in the Morning

Listen live to Dana Tyson in the Morning! It's all about positivism and something good. On SUNNY 99.1 in Houston, Texas! 99.1 On your FM dial or via...Full Bio


Three Dads Build Over 200 Desks for Remote Learning

When our children were thrown into virtual remote learning from home early this year, many of us parents were unprepared. A lot of us were not equipped with the proper items to outfit a room for our kids to do their school assignments in. Many of us did not even have desks. Since then, for those of us who still have children at home, have gone out and gotten all of the appropriate things for remote learning, some families are not so fortunate. Three dads from California had seen the struggle of having multiple kids at home without having their own designated learning space. They took it into their own hands and began building desks for children who are learning virtually and needed a space of their own, according to WVLT 8.

Fernando Rivera has three children of his own, and he knew that they needed their very own workspaces while learning remotely. He approached his brother, Andres Ruiz, who has four children of his own in order to make them. The dads are both from the Fresno area of California. They both decided to make the desk-making a weekend project. So, they figured, why not put up what they are doing on Facebook to see if any of their friends were interested.

Interested, they were, indeed. When Ruiz had posted to Facebook originally, his post caught the attention of several of his friends. That is when Rivera's brother-in-law hopped in to help. They enlisted Martin Vasquez to help out with the building of the desks. Vasquez also has three children of his own.

The Facebook post began to reach more and more people, and soon, before they knew it, it was shared approximately 6,000 times. It kept reaching more people and soon, people from all around California were reaching out to them for desks. They had explained that they were just posting, but they soon realized that there was a need for desks. They felt that they needed to help these kids.

Most times, they sell the desks for between $50 to $65, which mostly goes right back into supplies to build more desks. As of right now, they have sold 80 and given 120 of them away for free. Originally they funded it themselves, but now they are accepting donations in the forms of headphones, backpacks, and school supplies for children who are in need. Most people who order desks have picked them up, but also have delivered them as well.

While building the desks, the dads made sure that the desks were lightweight so that children were able to move them around their homes themselves. They are also able to fit into the back of a car, so they are compact as well. Rivera said that "It gives us that time that we normally don’t get to spend together because of work." Vasquez says, "It feels like a blessing."

Man polishing furniture outside house

Photo: Getty Images

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