At What Age Do You Trust Your Kid To...Have A Phone? Be Home Alone? Online?

According to Yahoo News, a new survey asked parents for the ages when they'd trust their kids with different tasks and responsibilities. And here are the results . . .

1. Dress themselves . . . the average was seven years old.

2. Use the Internet with supervision . . . nine years old.

3. Study independently for a test . . . 10-and-a-half years old.

4. Pack their own lunch . . . 11 years old.

5. Walk to and from the bus stop alone . . . 11 years old.

6. Do their own laundry . . . 12 years old.

7. Own a cell phone . . . 12-and-a-half years old.

8. Stay home alone unsupervised . . . 13 years old.

9. Get a job . . . 13 years old.

10. Use the Internet unsupervised . . . 13 years old. 

What do you think?

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