Is your hurricane plan ready for the season?

rain puddle

Living in Houston, there are so many things weather-wise that we become accustomed to over time. High waters, heavy rain and powerful winds during hurricane season, which began June 1, are just a few that come to mind. 

When the weather hits, will you be prepared and know who to call in a time of need? 

Michael Walters, PIO for the City of Houston Office of Emergency Management, put together a few tips to help get you ready before bad weather strikes.

1) Make a Plan - Know whether or not you live in a hurricane evacuation zone (for a map, visit  If you live outside of a zone, you should plan to ride the storm out. If you live in an evacuation zone, you may need to leave, so know where you plan to go, and communicate that plan to your family.  

2) Get a Kit - Make sure you have what you need if you decide to stay or go. This includes having a Go-Bag or a Stay-at-Home Kit 

3) Be Informed - Sign up for emergency alerts and get timely information from the National Weather Service, CenterPoint Energy and others at 

4) Know your Neighbors - Meet your neighbors ahead of time.  In a disaster, you can help each other rebound faster.  

The Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network (GHC 9-1-1) reminds Houstonians that during and following a storm, to only contact 9-1-1 for in-progress emergencies such as rescues. Do not contact 9-1-1 to check on the status of the weather, flooded roads, power outages or other nonemergency inquiries.

It is best to stay tuned to the news on TV or radio for weather, flooding and traffic updates.

If you have an emergency:

  • Call 9-1-1, stay on the line and DON’T HANG UP until your call is answered.
  • Answer all questions
  • Follow all instructions

 CALL IF YOU CAN, TEXT IF YOU CAN’T – ONLY TEXT 9-1-1 IF YOU CANNOT MAKE A VOICE CALL. Voice calls are the fastest and best way to reach 9-1-1.

This season, let's all do our part to be prepared as early possible!

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