Throughout her childhood, Sierra Smith faced the harsh realities of violence, substance
abuse, and poverty, which shaped her challenging perspective on life. Despite these
hardships, she always found hope, especially through her passion for running. From junior
high school to earning a full scholarship at the University of Houston, Sierra's dedication to
running opened up new opportunities and a brighter future. Although she continued to face
significant challenges, not limited to financial difficulties, she discovered support and hope
at Goodwill Houston.
Goodwill Houston was introduced to Sierra through a domestic violence awareness
program, and she immediately took the chance at a new life. After receiving housing
assistance, training in the IT program, and a supportive environment, she started to get her
life back. Goodwill Houston employed her at their corporate office, and Sierra stated,
“Goodwill Houston gave me a chance to run freely and to become who I know I could always