San Antonio Zoo's 'Cry me a Cockroach' Gets 2021 Revamp For Valentine's Day

Sure, having a candlelit quarantine dinner if you're in a relationship might be nice this year for Valentine's Day, but if you're single and scorned, there's more dramatic, cathartic options.

San Antonio Zoo's ‘Cry Me a Cockroach!’ event is back, and if you're not familiar, the annual fundraiser lets patrons name a cockroach or rodent after their ex, then watch it get devoured by the zoo's reptiles and insect eaters.

Here's how it works: Donate $5, and the zoo will symbolically name a cockroach after your most likely estranged by now ex-lover.

For $25, a rat or other rodent can be named after an ex and fed to the zoo's flock of reptiles.

On Valentines Day, the zoo will air the feeding frenzy on their social media pages, so yes, you can watch the your ex's namesake cucaracha or furry mouse be devoured. (Don't worry, the rodents are pre-frozen)

The Zoo sources the roaches from professional breeders, and the colony of roaches at the zoo is cared for and maintained by the Reptile Department.

Besides the regular fare at the fundraiser, new this year is a "herbivore option," that buyers can dedicate to people who get on their nerves, but might not hate as much as their lying ex.

This vegetarian friendly $5 option feeds cabbage, romaine lettuce and other greens to their plant-eating animals.

The zoo recommends dedicating these more light-hearted meals to lazy roommates and at-times annoying quarantine partners. Money raised from the purchases of a cockroach, rat, or veggie will help the zoo expand their jaguar habitat with a connected overhead catwalk.

Aside from this fundraiser, the zoo is also offering more steamy and romantic Valentine's options for the partnered and those ready to move on.

Photo: Getty Images

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