Tik Tok: A Software Engineer Claims App Is Constantly Pining Your Location

A guy on Reddit reversed engineered the app and here is what he discovered:

1.Tik Tok Is Able to Access Everything About Your Phone Hardware

This includes storage space, disk space, and the make and model.

2. Applications On Phone (new or deleted)

Tik Tok knows every app that you have currently, and every app that you have deleted off your phone.

3. IP Address

Tik Tok has access to your IP address, and it even knows the name of your router.

4. Tik Tok Pings Your Location Every 30 Seconds

Tik Tok creates a profile of the places you visit and are most active around.

Below is the full transcript of what the software engineer discovered about the app and its invasive functions.

Photo: Getty Images

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