37 Activities Ranked By COVID-19 Risk Level

The Texas Medical Association released the "Know Your Risk" chart below a few days ago. It rates 37 different activities for their level of coronavirus risk, on a scale of 1 to 10.

There has been a lot of uncertainty and debate in my house about what's safe and what isn't. What we should let our children do? Can we get haircuts? Should we go to the dentist? Can we still take that trip we have planned? I'm sure we're not alone, so it's interesting to see what consensus a group of Texas physicians has come to about the risk level of various activities. Something to think about as well all figure out how to proceed the rest of the summer and into the fall.

The chart breaks things into color-coded groups, Low Risk (opening mail, getting restaurant takeout), Low-Moderate (grocery shopping, spending an hour at a playground), Moderate (having dinner at someone else's house, working a week in an office building), Moderta-High (visiting a hair salon, traveling by plane), and High Risk (working out at a gym, going to a movie theater).

The Texas Medical Association is the nation's largest state medical society. The organization is made up of more than 53,000 Texas physicians and medical students, and their stated goal is to improve the health of all Texans.

Photo: Getty Images

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