How to Build Routine Into Your Child's Summer

While many children dream of the of freedom of summer, bringing pool days, outdoor play, vacations or camp, parents are often scrambling to keep their kids engaged and well behaved when school is out.

Vacations and breaks are good for everyone; but most children thrive on routines and schedules.

“Routines are vital in a young child’s life to promote security and build a child’s confidence," says Ella Reid, early childhood educator at Verner Center for Early Learning. "When they know what to expect in their day, they can spend more time focusing on play and learning instead of testing limits or worrying about what comes next."

Reid notes that school's patterns play a big role during much of the year. "Establishing predictable routines that are repeated each day can help parents and children throughout the summer.”

How can parents provide that structure during summer break? Experts offer some ideas.

Do the same thing

Even though summertime provides the freedom and leisure to sleep-in and have a late brunch, with children it's very important to have some structure.

“Do the same main things at the same time and place each day," Reid advises. "Waking up at the same time each day, having breakfast, getting dressed, etc., can all stay the same as they are throughout the school year.”

Set expectations

Laying the groundwork from the beginning and communicating it with your children is also important.

“Parents can establish routines for their children during the summer by setting the expectations from the beginning," Asheville child psychologist Mindy Pardoll says. "Remember that routines help children feel secure, knowing of what to expect each day. Having specific and realistic expectations for your child will help them stay grounded."

Reid adds that communicating expectations and schedules is also important for children to know what to expect. 

“Special activities and trips, such as visiting the library or pool, should be planned and discussed with your child in advance. This helps them know what to expect," she says. "Have a plan, make the plan known to your child and communicate clearly when there’s an upcoming change."

And parents shouldn't make plans alone; if they're old enough, let children help. Planning also allows for balance.

"A quick, planned trip to the park can give your child ownership of the new routine and schedule, especially when they have to come along on less exciting errands," Reid says.

Make a visual

Children follow many routines, structures and visual prompts during the school year. Making a calendar and/or routine chart is a great way to continue these practices in the summer.

“Create a visual plan for your child(ren) with three pictures of a 1) bed, 2) toothbrush and 3) clothes," Pardoll suggests. "Help your child learn to make their bed, brush their teeth as well as change into their day clothes on their own before they start the day. They can check off the box under the pictures and you can reward with small tangible gifts (stickers) each morning for completing the wake-up routine. This will make for an easier transition for the upcoming school year."

Travel tips

Travel can be tricky, especially with young children and the change of routine and environment.

“Traveling can be exciting and stressful for children, especially when they are out of their usual school routine," Reid says. "Keeping your child engaged and on a modified routine can be very helpful when traveling."

It's also easier when parents keep kids' needs like snacks and portable entertainment in handy. "Plan ahead with scheduled play breaks so your child can run and move to create a balance between sitting in a car for long periods of time,” she says. 

Pardoll emphasizes the importance of making sure any travel plans make sense for kids.

"Are there activities at your destination that your kid(s) can enjoy? Do they have other children to play with?"

Another key to easy trips: consistency.

"It helps to make sure that your family’s meal schedule and sleep schedule stay consistent," Pardoll says. "Eating healthy foods and sleeping regular hours will help keep your kid(s) grounded during your travels. It’s also a good idea to maintain nightly reading with your child(ren) while traveling. Make sure to pack a few of their favorite books to read each night on the trip."

Don’t forget downtime!

Even though there is a lot of free time it’s easy for parents to “overbook” their children by committing to many activities, camps and invitations.

“Make sure you take down time for you and your child(ren)," Pardoll says. "It is summer after all. Ask your child(ren) to choose one or two activities that they would like to focus on for the summer and be intentional about planning time for them to rest, reflect, and adjust to the flurry of changes, activities, and fun summer has to offer!”

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