Making a Murderer's Steven Avery wins appeal that could lead to a retrial!

Fans of the popular Netflix series Making a Murderer will be interested to hear that after months of work Steven Avery has won an appeal that could possibly earn him a retrial. Viewers were riveted by the story of Steven Avery who was convicted of the murder of magazine photographer Teresa Halbach back in 2005 and is not serving a life sentence despite his claims that he did not kill her.

Avery's lawyer Kathleen Zellner told Newsweek that "The appellate court granted our motion to supplement the record with the evidence the bones were destroyed," she explained. "The case is being remanded back to the circuit court to conduct proceedings, which can include a hearing. The circuit court can grant a new trial, or if not, back to appellate court who can reverse the conviction and/or grant a new trial. Either way, the State opposed this motion and lost. This evidence has the potential to undo the whole case, so it is a big win."

Zellner filed the appeal on Avery's behalf after the collection of some human bones which were supposed to be tested for DNA, but had, for some unknown reason, been turned over to Teresa Halbach's family without any DNA testing having been conducted. She filed a motion for appeal claiming Avery's rights where violated by keeping crucial evidence from further testing by returning the bones to the family. The court of appeals agreed. With the new evidence that could potentially be found on the bones could lead to a potential second trial for Avery. This as well as, additional evidence that has been discovered since his new trial could lead to a very different outcome for Steven Avery. Zellner also told Newsweek that there is a collection of evidence that was not seen in the second season of the Netflix series that could possibly point to another suspect in the case, Bobby Dassey. Zellner has 14 days to file any 'supplemental postconviction motions'.

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