Ray's Review: Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War

Rating: A+

The moment has finally arrived when we can weigh in on the much-anticipated film Avengers: Infinity War and all I have to say is DAMN!! Okay, so this movie is bringing together almost all of the heroes we have seen come out of the Marvel universe so far to face down the biggest villain yet, Thanos. Thanos has his greedy eyes set on the infinity stones of which there are 6. These stones have made appearances in many of the films we have seen so far from Captain America The First Avenger to Guardians of The Galaxy, these stones have been a big source of trouble and come with a high cost to defend. Thanos, of course, has crafted a massive gauntlet to house all 6 stones will which give him easy access to wield the power of each of these gems. When the film begins he already has one of the stones in his possession and of course, the number grows pretty quickly throughout the film making him one hell of a bad guy to face down. Our heroes have to slowly come together as they all realize they are all facing the same enemy and the cost of losing to him is too great to imagine. 

This has to be one of the most insane superhero films ever and it is one that is sure to punch you right in the feels. I am not gonna lie, prepare to have the Marvel universe adopt the Game Of Thrones type attitude to things, in that, everyone you love is potentially on the chopping block and could be killed at any minute. There were some really surprising deaths in the film. I am not going to spoil it for you, but trust me, even though we knew some were coming in this movie, there were none of the ones I expected to see. So Marvel is not screwing around with keeping us on the edge of our seats here. Not to mention the fact that the body count was also way higher than I was expecting it to be and the count starts within the first 10 minutes of the film. 

The mash-up of heroes is everything you could hope for in the film. These guy coming together is perfection. Despite the few power struggles we see these heroes realize pretty fast that working together is better than stroking their own egos and aside from a few awkward (but hilarious) first impressions they really do form amazing teams. From witty banter to amazing action sequences there is not much to dislike about the movie. Also, the film doesn't take it's time getting down to business either. clocking in at almost two and a half hours you can be prepared for an insane ride from start to finish. Been waiting patiently to see Captain American back on the battlefield kicking ass? The wait is over. Been drooling for more of Wakanda and Black Panther? Get a towel because you are gonna get that. Dying to see how big Groot has gotten? Say hello to angsty teenage Groot! The film has almost everything. I will say a few characters don't make it on the big screen this go round, but there was only about 3 that came to mind that I really missed and I am sure they will be here for the next part of this film. 

Overall, this movie was everything I wanted it to be and actually more. The theater was dead silent by the time the credits began to roll, but trust me as you wait for that end of the credits scene you almost need to collect your thoughts from the chaos you just witnessed.  Marvel has definitely got a winner on their hands with Infinity War. This was easily an A+ movie. For real, drop everything you had planned for the weekend and head to the movies to see The Avengers: Infinity War. You will not be disappointed. 

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters everywhere April 27th.

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