We got to visit Anime Matsuri this past weekend

You might've seen the TxDOT signs this past weekend giving you directions to Anime Matsuri going on at the George R. Brown or even seen a bunch of people in costumes walking around downtown. It's a huge celebration of Japanese animation and it's one of the fastest growing ones in North America!

You might THINK you don't know any Anime, but if you've ever heard of Pokemon, then you know an Anime! I've been to this event now for a few years and have watched it continue to grow. I'm absolutely fascinated with Japanese culture and while I consider myself just a casual Anime fan, I really enjoy this event. It's a chance to experience something with one of the most hardcore fandoms out there and it's a wonderful opportunity to experience such a rich culture.

Maybe you've been curious about what anime is or maybe you've heard your kids talking about Pokemon or Dragon Ball Super....this event is absolutely the place to be if you want to immerse yourself in that world.

Even our Mayor Turner was on hand for the festivities!

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